Trying something new

July 21, 2024  •  Leave a Comment

After the incident with the LX100, I've been using the iPhone, but with a bit of a twist: I decided to try out a well regarded app called Halide. One of the big attractions with this app is the ability to shoot RAW - the pure RAW data, not Apple's ProRaw (which is great, but in some situations it has quirks I don't like). Halide can also gives you full manual control over ISO, shutter speed, and so on, but I haven't experimented much with that yet. For now I've been shooting in their RAW format and processing like a normal RAW file.

With a couple of exceptions (which are straight JPG/HEIC files straight from the phone), these are the first results from this little period of experimentation. Hope you like them!































I'm still learning about the best way to process these, which is an interesting experience. In any case, more to come.

Thanks for looking!



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