Sharing the load, part 2

June 12, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Concluding the two part series showcasing the three different cameras which I use - the Merrill, the Sony and the iPhone. Photographers may be able to work out which is which from things like DOF, acuity, etc, but the bottom line is that it doesn't matter - a good shot is a good shot and a bad one is a bad one! Hope that I've only included the former in here...anyway, hope you enjoy them.





































Quite a few more pictures in the pipeline, so more articles should be forthcoming.


Thanks for looking!





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This is a collection of posts. Some (most) have a particular theme, but some are just collections. I try to only include my best shots in here.


If you like what you see, please leave a message and I'll try to answer all comments.


Thank you!

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