Film November 2

November 09, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

It looks like we're going to hit the seven thousand visitor mark soon, so let me again thank everyone who takes the time to look through here. I hope you like what you see.

Staying for now with the film pictures, here are the next dozen. I could make jokes about the dirty dozen, because I was spending quite a while with the retouching tools in Photoshop and Aperture before these were ready for upload. That would be a corny joke, though, so I will refrain.


Poser cat (yes, cat shots are mandatory whether you use film or digital, but with film I wait a lot longer for the cat to do something interesting).



Sitting by the water. This was simply an exercise in contrast : the man's white shirt with the darker surrounding environment.



Devoted to the water (this is thought to be a sacred spring, at one of Japan's more famous shrines)



I like shooting these devotional wooden things, to use the untechnical term (the technical term is "ema" in Japanese). The lens on my Canon ft-b is a 50mm 1.8, which lends itself to some fairly shallow depth of field shots.



Not sure if it was a good idea to have the person in this frame, but that's how it got shot and cloning them out would have been too much trouble.



This one took a while because it was quite early in the morning and I had to wait for someone to come into the frame. Worth waiting for in the end.



It's always interesting to shoot in urban settings too...



Local temple






Individualistic lantern




Gospel (always struck me as an odd choice of music for the Japanese - so much of their culture is based around restraint, while gospel is fundamentally anything but). They seemed to be enjoying themselves, though.




This picture needed someone to go under the tree and not only did this man oblige me, he stood there looking at it as well. Can't ask for much more than that.



There are some colour film shots to come, so keep an eye out...

Thanks for looking!





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This is a collection of posts. Some (most) have a particular theme, but some are just collections. I try to only include my best shots in here.


If you like what you see, please leave a message and I'll try to answer all comments.


Thank you!

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