A couple of months back I was the recipient of a huge act of generosity: I was given - that's given, not "sold" - a camera. Not just any old camera either; one of these - a Mamiya 6 rangefinder, no less, which produces the same 6x6 negatives as Hasselblads, but which is considerably lighter.
This got me shooting quite a bit of film again, and I also bit the bullet and got a scanner to digitise it all. Still learning the optimum way to scan, but so far the results are acceptable.
This first entry will be scans of 35mm film from my Canon FTb (which was also given to me: I seem to attract camera related benefactors). The Mamiya scans will come at a later date.
For now, then, hope you enjoy these. They are a mix of Tri-X 400 and Fuji Neopan Across 100.
Walk in the park
Cherry blossoms in black and white. Okazaki, Aichi pref, Japan.
Got to have a shot of a cat. Some kind of unwritten rule...
Parkour training
Sun goes down over Nagoya.
Dark? Light? Film likes them all...
Pigeonus Noncamerashyus
What this man is doing, I have no idea.
Playing with shallow depth of field and leading lines
"Beware of crows! On Friday 6 June, a crow attacked someone who was cycling through here. Watch your head". Seriously, that's what it says.
Sun coming through the trees / cyclist who presumably wasn't attacked by the aforesaid crows.
Good light on the trees
That's 12 of the film shots (in tribute to the divisibility: most film rolls are 24 or 36). The next twelve will follow in the next post.
Thanks for looking!
This is a collection of posts. Some (most) have a particular theme, but some are just collections. I try to only include my best shots in here.
If you like what you see, please leave a message and I'll try to answer all comments.
Thank you!