The power of rain

August 06, 2023  •  Leave a Comment

A while back now (I subscribe to the school of thought which says don't upload your pictures too soon after editing and processing them) our area of Tokyo saw a day of pretty torrential rain - the opening and closing pictures alone will show that. As a result, I noted that (in combination with a sunny day) the "colours of nature" were particularly vibrant on the following day. Add to that some good light, and it was a day which resulted in more than the normal number of good pictures - everything in this entry is from the same day. Hope you enjoy them!





























To finish up where we started (the local station), something I haven't done in a while: a bit of a "trick shot" (OK, it's just rotated 180 degrees). Used sparingly, they can be quite fun, but like anything they can be overdone.



More to come.

Thanks for looking!


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