I've never had a particular preference when it comes to colour vs black-and-white photography. Some photos absolutely demand one or the other; other photos work well both ways. I tend to decide which way to go when I get to post-processing them.
However, I am intrigued by the concept of the black-and-white only (digital) camera. The main issue with them is the price. To my knowledge, there are only a few cameras designed to do this. The first option is the Leica Monochrom series. Now, if you know your cameras, you'll know that "Leica" and "cheap" don't usually appear in the same sentence unless the words "ain't exactly" are in the middle.
The other option is Phase One's achromatic (literally "without colour") cameras. If you're not a photography nerd like I am, you may not have heard of Phase One. All I'll say about them is that if you look up Leica's prices and think "wow, that's expensive", you're going to have fun when you look up Phase One's newer, top-tier stuff.
Anyway, as a form of low-budget experiment, I set the iPhone to "mono" mode and decided that I would not under any circumstance change it back afterwards. It was quite an interesting experience, and the results form this entry. Hope you like them!
Sometimes you find a location and you just know that there are photos there - if you wait. This was one such place; I stayed here for quite a while and, Tokyo being Tokyo, people turned up.
And to finish:
While this was a worthwhile experiment, the next article (hopefully next week) will be back to the usual mix of colour and b/w.
Thanks for looking!
This is a collection of posts. Some (most) have a particular theme, but some are just collections. I try to only include my best shots in here.
If you like what you see, please leave a message and I'll try to answer all comments.
Thank you!