Pixel fight part 2 : 6mp

August 25, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

Following the previous entry, we're upping the megapixel count. By one.

I mentioned previously that I don't generally get on with the newer kinds of camera - hence the previous entry being with the DMC-LC1. I recently bought, tried, failed to bond with, and traded, a camera which won almost every "best camera" award going last year. It could do everything you asked of it. I didn't like it at all. It got traded, and in its place is a camera I've used before : an Epson R-D1S, with a fast 50 (in full frame terms, around a 75, which is a focal length I like a lot). My last R-D1 literally got worn out from use and I've been on the lookout for a replacement ever since. Like the DMC-LC1, you really have to concentrate on what you're doing with it. You can't just fire shots off without thinking about it first, and if you get the exposure wrong, you don't have anything like as much latitude as newer cameras. Off by a stop? You might be OK. Off by more than that? Should have paid more attention to exposure when you were shooting!

Anyway. Enough of that. We've upped the megapixels...a bit. Hope you like the pictures.


3 layers of yellow3 layers of yellow






MJ sweepMJ sweep





BW St.BW St.



B to W stairsB to W stairs





Blue bridge 1Blue bridge 1



MJ dofMJ dof



MJ corridorMJ corridor











MJ standout bushMJ standout bush


Well, I'm viewing this on a 21 inch iMac screen and it looks OK to me.

But next entry we will raise the megapixel count yet again...

Thanks for looking!







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