Hokkaido in summer is a lot nicer than Nagoya, but then again so are most places (one place which vies with Nagoya for "horrible in summer" status is Kyoto, which is possibly even worse). In contrast to the kendo-only post, here are a selection of shots from the various areas we visited.
The connected world
It is hard to go anywhere in Japan and not find some dancing going on
Out in the countryside
We took a drive up to a lake by the name of Shumarinai, a large manmade lake. Other than the insects (who seemed happy to ignore the "anti-insect spray" we used), it was a very nice area and lent itself well to some photography, especially as we took a boat ride around it. This was where the iPhone came in useful, for the wide-angle shots.
The man in the picture is the boat's captain who runs the tours.
Various other scenes:
From the plane on the way back
That's it for the short Hokkaido trip, but plenty more photos coming.
Thanks for looking!
This is a collection of posts. Some (most) have a particular theme, but some are just collections. I try to only include my best shots in here.
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