Clearing out the backlog, part 1

September 28, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

There are quite a few photos waiting patiently to be uploaded here, so I'll be doing precisely that each week. I would guess that there are three or four blog posts' worth of them, so....let's get on with it! All with the DP3 Merrill.


Light on dark



Nagoya from an angle I haven't used before. The two tall towers at the back right are where Nagoya Station lies.



The dutiful and civic minded Japanese



Steel and nature coexisting



Garbage net



No longer any need to steal this from the Gods.






Minimalism in blue










Mandatory reflection shot 1




Mandatory reflection shot 2




I've been experimenting with using the Merrill in low(er) light situations. It's never going to challenge even an entry level DSLR for that, but I've been looking at different ways to hold the camera so as to be able to handhold it at very low shutter speeds, thus letting me keep the ISO at the lowest level possible for the scene. I hope to keep doing this, but for now here's a shot taken around dusk.



Back to daylight for the last four shots...









That's it for part 1 of the backlog clearance...part 2 will be along in a week or so.


Thanks for looking!



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This is a collection of posts. Some (most) have a particular theme, but some are just collections. I try to only include my best shots in here.


If you like what you see, please leave a message and I'll try to answer all comments.


Thank you!

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