The incredible versatility of the Nikon D3, part 2

July 13, 2014  •  Leave a Comment


In the interest of fairness, I should also refer to "the incredible weight of the Nikon D3"; having used only mirrorless cameras for the last two or so years, I'd forgotten how heavy a big DSLR and telephoto zoom is. Oh well. I got it for a particular purpose (to be revealed later) and once it's done that, we'll see if it stays or gets traded.

This entry is all about two things: animals and performances. Summer in Nagoya is a good time for this; a lot of dancing and music going on.

So, here we go. Performances first. 

















Next up: animals. Most of these could have been shot with pretty much any camera, but the crow shots at the end were definitely the D3's trademark, a combination of speed and accurate metering.

























Next entry will be on colour and one other topic, yet to be decided.


Thanks for looking!




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