More fun with the Merrill

March 05, 2013  •  Leave a Comment


My M8.2 has a new home (it was sold on an auction site and quickly found a buyer; I hope they will enjoy it. I did, but the Sigma is far ahead of it in the picture quality it puts out as well as being much more portable and simple to use). I'll probably use the proceeds of the M8.2 sale to pick up something for situations where the Merrill isn't appropriate (sports, low light, telephoto) but the Sigma will be on my person at all times.

Anyway. Here are some more shots with this incredibly impressive little machine. All taken yesterday during a walk around Nagoya. First shots are from the port, and others from here and there in town.








I'm by and large a telephoto shooter; that's how I see, but it's interesting to work with what is by my definition a wide lens; the Sigma has a 35mm equivalent of 45mm (30x1.5). This is one reason why I went with this one and not the 28 equivalent. 28 is very wide in my book, and it's a focal length I would have to get used to. I may or may not get into it in the future, but for now this 45mm equivalent is fine.





Composing with the Merrill is an interesting experience. It doesn't have a built-in viewfinder (you have to buy one separately, and I haven't yet), so you have to compose with the rear LCD screen and when it's bright, it gets hard to see. That being said, I've been using the Digilux 2,whose EVF makes the scene impossible to see in even the best conditions, so I'm used to that. In a perverse kind of way, it's good practice in seeing not the scene, but the shapes which make it up (this is a piece of advice often given to photographers: break down the scene in front of you into shapes and compose based on that).





This next shot was a disaster when I opened it up, but some post processing work and it becomes presentable




It was a very bright day, so there were some interesting shadow shots available






The Merrill's battery is weak, and even with a spare you have to be frugal with your shots. The rest of these are from central Nagoya.








Thanks for looking!


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