Well out of order

June 09, 2024  •  Leave a Comment

In UK English (at least when I was younger), "well out of order" was a phrase used to mean that something was unacceptable or wrong (an alternative phrase was "bang out of order"). I mention this purely as a linguistic tie-in, but it does (sort of) relate to this entry.

I'm usually pretty good at keeping track of where all my pictures are and the "order" of dealing with them (at any given time they are either still in the camera, or they're out of the camera and waiting to be curated and then processed, or they're processed and waiting to be displayed). However, I recently came across a number of pictures which I had somehow overlooked / forgotten about, which at least meant I had the material for another entry. Hope you like these!































Lastly, three from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building in Shinjuku. Before I actually lived in Tokyo, I would make a point of going here without fail every time I was there, but now that I live within relatively easy reach of it, I got into the habit of taking it for granted so I figured I should pay it another visit. Free entry to the impressive views from the higher floors.







More to come, probably in a couple of weeks.

Thanks for looking!









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