While going through my latest pictures recently, I noticed that I had taken quite a few shots featuring symmetrical patterns caused mainly by reflections, some of which require a second look to see what's going on (hence the "trickery"). And there were just enough of them to make into a short article, so here we are. These are from a mix of cameras and all processed with Affinity Photo for iPad (my computer's getting too old for the various Photoshop / Lightroom updates, and Affinity, once you get used to its quirks, is a very interesting program and more than powerful enough for me).
Hope you like these!
I found this spot a short distance away from the Tokyo Sky Tree. I also took a "regular" shot, but everyone does that. So I thought about how I could make it a little more interesting, and this was the result: a melting Sky Tree.
A slightly shorter article than usual, but there's more on the way.
Thanks for looking!
This is a collection of posts. Some (most) have a particular theme, but some are just collections. I try to only include my best shots in here.
If you like what you see, please leave a message and I'll try to answer all comments.
Thank you!