A question of degrees

September 13, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

Not quite as many photos in this set as in a typical one, for a reason. 

In the last month or so we've had some pretty unpredictable weather, including storms or storm-like conditions. One thing that results from these is some pretty spectacular sunsets - one of the most popular (and, let's be honest, overdone) photographic subjects. But these ones were so impressive that I couldn't resist, and when you live in a building with 14 floors, you take advantage of it.

The issue at hand is: how much post processing should we do? If we do none, we just have a flat RAW file, which probably won't convey what the scene was really like. If we do too much, we end up with an oversaturated mess. I tend to err on the side of caution and apply what some photographers call the "makeup" rule: if you can clearly see the processing, it's overdone.

Anyway. Eight sunset shots. I've tried to get the photos as close as possible to what I remember seeing, but memory is a strange thing. In any case, hope you like these!

















Short trip coming up, so there'll probably be no article next week, but there's still plenty of stuff to come (and the trip will probably result in several more memory cards' worth).

Thanks for looking!
























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This is a collection of posts. Some (most) have a particular theme, but some are just collections. I try to only include my best shots in here.


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