Shooting gallery, part 1

December 01, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

I'm pretty sure I've mentioned Jay Maisel on this blog before (and if I haven't, I should have), so it shouldn't be that surprising to hear that the title of this (and the next) article are related to him. In one of his videos with Scott Kelby, he refers to New York as a "shooting gallery", by which he means that if you miss one shot, you can be sure there will be others. (Being Jay Maisel, he uses a significantly more colloquial expression than "miss"). I haven't been to New York, but living in Tokyo, I think I understand what he means. It's extremely difficult to run out of subject matter here.

To that end, the next two articles (of which this is the first) are just a demonstration of the bewildering (in a good sense) amount of photographic opportunities you can find here. Hope you enjoy these!

























When you photograph something that is photographed almost every day and multiple times, you have to find a way to make it novel, or at least interesting. One way is to turn it upside down, as demonstrated in the following couple of shots taken near the Imperial Palace in Marunouchi.







Part 2 of the "shooting gallery" will be up in a week or two.

Thanks for looking!



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This is a collection of posts. Some (most) have a particular theme, but some are just collections. I try to only include my best shots in here.


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